Dearest Father
thank you for affording us
the labor of using our hands
the service of providing water
the economy of rolling a hoop
the charity of giving
the quality of succession
that is
the common threads that bind us
the path that directs us
the love that releases us
As C is constant
Past and future are present.
Fiction is larger than truth
Art is fiction
Religion is art
A gift wrapped must be given
And without you dear friend I would remain blind and deaf
From you I have learned celebration is a fleeting flickering eternal beacon
From you I have learned forgiveness is preexisting
From you I have learned the destiny of motion is an apology
Perhaps humility is the liquid
And the liquid forms the cup
HJS testament
Living word
Path; Veil; Smile
Enter and drink from the grail: all is revealed. As a baby opening eyes for the first time, the images as opposed to the vowels may be simpler to focus on. The answer lies right in front of our noses. This scripture (arbutus) melts all darkness: war, prejudice, disease, hatred; within womb light shines